The demand for low fare travel has grown over the last 10 years and presently constitutes 16% of total travel in the Asia-Pacific region and 43% in Malaysia. In view of expected increase in the low-cost travel, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad is developing a new Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Sepang to be known as KLIA2, comprising a new Passenger Terminal and a third runway. The permanent LCCT is located to the west of the main KUA terminal building, about 2 km away and would be the largest LCCT in Asia with initial handling capacity of 30 million passengers.

The project was separated into a few works’ packages. SMHB was appointed by the client for Packages EN0l: Enabling Works, UT0l: Water Reticulation and Distribution, UT02: Storage Reservoir and UT04: Electrical Power Supply and Relocation of Existing Sub-Station, and Utilities Coordination and Clash Analysis.

Enabling Works

Enabling Works comprise temporary services, e.g., access road, water supply, drainage, material storage, workers accommodations and sanitation.

Design and Supervision of Water Reticulation and Distribution

The proposed water supply distribution system is designed to cater for LCCT’s water demand of 30 mppa and has similar functions as the existing system. Another gravity main of 800mm dia. with cross connections will be laid along the existing twin 800mm dia. gravity mains.


The network modelling of the water supply distribution system was carried out using the Infoworks Software package.

Design and Supervision of Storage Reservoir

The construction of an additional storage reservoir is to provide sufficient storage to cater for the water demand at the proposed LCCT.



Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad


Selangor, Malaysia

Commencement Year

June 2009

Completion Year

August 2011