The Johor State Government is developing the Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC) in Pengerang, Kota Tinggi. The PIPC is an oil and gas hub which accommodates Petronas’ Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development (RAPID) project and other related oil and gas industries as well as enterprises and support facilities.

This development has been anticipated to create an increase in water supply demand with the RAPID’s requirement of approximately 230 Mld. Due to unavailability of raw water within the proximity, the Johor State Government has to construct new raw water facilities to ensure reliable supply to RAPID as well as to meet additional 30 Mld demand for other development in Pengerang.

Based on proposed options outlined in the Johor Water Resources Study 2010-2060 Report prepared by SMHB Sdn Bhd for Badan Kawalselia Air Negeri Johor (BAKAJ) in 2012, the Johor State Government has chosen the construction of Seluyut Reservoir with pumped transfer from the Sungai Sedili Besar to achieve the desired supply. SMHB Sdn Bhd was appointed as Project Management Consultant (PMC) for this project; Projek Air Mentah RAPID or Raw Water Supply to RAPID (PAMER).

The PAMER project comprised:

  • Intake works at Sungai Sedili Besar (C&S 520 Mld and M&E 260 Mld)
  • 19 km of DN 1800 mm raw water pumping main from intake at Sungai Sedili Besar to Seluyut impounding reservoir
  • Seluyut impounding reservoir located at Sungai Seluyut comprising a main dam, a saddle dam, approximately 1,007 hectare of impounding area and associated works
  • Raw water booster pumping station and associated works downstream of Seluyut dam (C&S 520 Mld and M&E 260 Mld)
  • Approximately 56 km of twin DN 1300 mm raw water pumping mains from booster pumping station downstream of Seluyut dam to Bukit Panjang terminal reservoir
  • 130 Mld capacity reinforced concrete terminal reservoir at Bukit Panjang
  • Approximately 12 km of twin DN 1300 mm raw water gravity mains from Bukit Panjang terminal reservoir to the boundary of RAPID site

SMHB Sdn Bhd PMC scope of works as follows:

  • Carry out Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design and preparation of tender documents for PAMER to supply 230 Mld of raw water to PIPC which include raw water intake and pumping station, pumping mains, dam and impounding reservoir, booster station, transmission mains, reservoirs and gravity mains up to RAPID boundary.
  • Carry out detailed environmental impact assessment (EIA) study for the proposed project and implement the solution and rectification works for the impact
  • Coordination of the preparation and submission of land acquisition plan for securing land to construct the relevant facilities
  • Carry out Construction Supervision for the project

SMHB Sdn Bhd completed the Preliminary Engineering Design in 2012. However, due to the State’s financial constraint, the project was taken over by PRPC Water Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Petronas in May 2013. PRPC was given the rights to develop Phase 1 of the Project which will deliver 230 Mld of raw water to RAPID and 30 Mld to the Johor State Government’s water treatment plant at Sungai Lebam. SMHB Sdn Bhd was retained as the PMC.

raw water supply to rapid (pamer), Pengerang, Johor