Durian Tunggal Dam is located in Mukim Durian Tunggal and Machap, Alor Gajah District, Melaka and is currently operated by Syarikat Air Melaka (SAM). Construction of the dam was completed in 1976.  Raising of Durian Tunggal Dam to increase its storage was completed in 1992. It is a zoned earthfilled embankment with central clay core about 25m height and 232m crest length and provides an active storage of 30.4 million cubic meters (MCM) with a reservoir surface area of 610 hectares.

In order to assess the safety of Durian Tunggal dam, Badan Kawal Selia Air Melaka (BKSA) engaged SMHB Sdn. Bhd. to carry out a formal dam safety inspection of the dam and related structures. The purpose of the dam safety inspection and hydrology study is to ensure the dam continues to function safely and to identify any defects or potential problems and recommend remedial works if necessary, so as to avoid the failure of the dam and associated structures, which can lead to the loss of life and property damages.

The engineering services undertaken by SMHB include:

  • Review of the safety of the dam and its current state in it’s entirely based on current international acceptable design criteria and practice. Review all technical documents available such as geotechnical, structures, hydraulic, hydrology, M&E, instrumentation, operation and maintenance and to the degree necessary, design and construction to determine if the dam and appurtenant structures meet current accepted design criteria and practice.
  • Evaluate all instrumentations data and record, hydrological data and records and review the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF), adequacy of dam storage and spillway capacity.
  • Detailed onsite inspection of the dam, appurtenant structures and mechanical and electrical equipment.
  • Review the O&M manual, organization set up and the security of the dam.
  • Verify that there are emergency provisions for access to and communications with all project facilities.
  • Ascertain the effects of the activities in the catchment on performance of the dam.
  • Identify problems and recommend remedial repairs, operational restrictions, and/or modifications, or analysis and studies to determine solutions to the problems inclusive of cost estimates where applicable.
  • A summarized statement on the safety of the dam should be made, indicating whether or not the dam is in satisfactory condition, and what and when remedial or emergency action should be carried out to rectify any deficiencies in the dam.
  • Diving inspections of underwater structures that affecting the dam integrity.


Services Provided

Dam Safety Inspection

Project Data


Badan Kawal Selia Air Melaka

Associate Firm



Melaka, Malaysia

